Wednesday, December 16, 2009


1. The sun is shining!
2. My husband loves his family and works hard.
3. My youngest son just built a blazing fire from a single coal.
4. My "little girls" love each other.
5. Thomas is so cool that he comes downstairs this morning, barefoot and wearing overalls, flashing a "V", and greeting me with "Peace out!"
6. Nate has almost filled our freezer with meat.
7. Grammy and Granddad are safely home from California - yay!
8. We are almost finished with schoolwork for the term - holiday begins tomorrow.
9. Reuben comes home from college tomorrow, and we get to see the newlyweds in just five days!
10. God loves me, He loves me, He loves me!

1 comment:

emily said...

& me ...

1. My mom's Godly advice and encouragement and most of all love
2. I get to visit all ^these awesome people for Christmas!
3. My husband is almost done with school!!
4. My husband is ... my husband!
5. Poets (good ones)
7. Goofy fuzzy socks that remind me of a dear sister (thanks Jenn!)
8. Christmas shopping! and wrapping! and subsequent smirking!
9. A clean house!
10. He loves me.

He loves you, he loves you, he loves you ... and so do I, dear. I cannot wait to see you next week!