- originally posted December 27, 2011
You don't really look for shooting stars...
They just kind of catch you by surprise.
A white hot blaze against black velvet.
Your heart leaps, you catch your breath,
It's gone, and you're left staring
Hungry-eyed into the night.
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It's been six years since I learned I would not meet this precious little one this side of Glory. I am six years closer to the day when I will meet this child face-to-face!
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A friend once told me that heartache is the price we pay for loving. Yes, and it is a price well worth the cost! But I think heartache is also a clarion reminding us that, although this world is so very lovely, all is not as it should be. Heartache clears our heads, wakes us from our sleepy stupor, reminds us that this world is not our home. Heartache calls us to Glory in a compelling way that ease and comfort cannot.
My heart is heavy today with a new sorrow, but this heaviness is a gift. Like a silver moon steadily pulling a turbulent sea into regular tidal rhythms, this sadness pulls my heart toward my Savior, in whose presence I find peace and rest and, yes, even in the midst of sorrow, joy.
blues in july
8 months ago
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