Saturday, July 1, 2023


It's been a rough week.

Let me rephrase's been a rough year.

Heck, it's been a rough decade.

But back to this past week...

Long work days, oppressive heat, way-too-many miles on the road. Coming home after 9 or 10 hours, emotionally and physically drained, wanting nothing more than a bowl of Ramen noodles, a glass of cheap wine, and an early bedtime... 

But greeted instead at the end of the day with yet another set of demands and expectations, never enough and never good enough, the quiet, unseen, unappreciated homefront "second shift."

So much pressure, like Luisa in Encanto. (

This week was rough.

It was also very, very good.

Not infrequently, I am blessed to be able to pray with and for my patients. This week, one of my patients asked if he could pray for me. And he did.

Another patient asked if I could be scheduled to see him every day, "because the days that you come, I always have a good day."

And today, I played with Baby Sam, worked alongside Martha, and ate lunch with Justin. And today, Jesus loves me just as I am.

In the midst of much that was "bitter" this week, I'll choose to savor the "sweet."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were an awesome neighbor as well this week. Had it not been for your screw driver and powerful strength my fridge would not be working today