My internal clock is all out of whack.
I am not sure what day of the week it is, nor am I confident of today's date. I do know we are in the month of October now - yay, me!
My daily rhythms are off. My weekly rhythms are off. I feel like I am living life outside of time.
This time confusion is not without its advantages, though.
Life here in Japan is lived fourteen hours ahead of life in West Tennessee. It is six o'clock in the evening here. Martha is cooking dinner.
It is four o'clock in the morning in West Tennessee - four o'clock this morning, the one already past here in Japan - and it is four o'clock in Mississippi...and four o'clock in the morning is a wonderful time to pray for the day ahead for those I love back home.
My prayer sisters pray throughout the day back in Tennessee. And then, as their day ends, my day begins, and the baton is passed. It is pretty cool to know that we are praying for one another around the clock.
Before I adjust to day and night on the far side of the world, it will be time to head home, time to throw another wrench into the gears of my already malfunctioning internal clock.
I anticipate another season of time confusion. I wonder what blessings it will bring?
blues in july
8 months ago
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