Friday, July 30, 2010


I find myself in the middle of another whirlwind, so haven't much time to pop in and write. We shifted gears last week from summer camp to overnight guests, from Group Rec to dentist appointments and hunter safety classes.

Wednesday night, Emily and Dennis came in from Des Moines - YAY!!!! I am so thankful for this quick visit before school starts back for Dennis and for us here at home. It feels very, very good to have all my children under one roof again for a few days.

Yesterday, Dennis's friends Zach and Adrian joined us for the day. A truck load of guys went shooting, while all us "girls" chatted and worked on meals. Games, laughter, and general laziness made for a great afternoon.

Another special blessing, we enjoyed seeing our precious friends Shannon and Shaun and their children (all of whom actually happen to be Kendalls, in our hearts if not by blood). Even a few hours together was such a treat. As we said our goodbyes, we bemoaned the reality of every reunion ending eventually in parting. But, that is not so!

In my trek through the Bible this year, I happen currently to be in the Psalms. Psalm 23 was part of my morning reading. I love how this Psalm ends....

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD...
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD. Not Camille's house, or Shannon's house, or Emily's house, but the Lord's house! I shall not visit the Lord, but shall dwell with Him. No coming and going, popping in for a few hours or days only to leave again. No joyful reunion tinged with the sorrow of yet another impending farewell. Dwelling. Abiding I'll be home.

Even better, all my sisters and brothers will one day be home with me. Emily and Dennis. Shannon and Shaun. My family in Millington and Memphis and Nashville and New York and North Africa. Finally, "hello" will eternally trump "goodbye". In my Bible, the Psalms are written in verse format. The last line of Psalm 23 is a single, beautiful word. I shall dwell in the house of the LORD...


1 comment:

Ginny B said...

I love that verse also. So glad that Emily and Dennis were able to come for a visit : ) Sounds like you had a busy but fun week. Hope you have a great weekend, and c u Sunday.