With school just starting back, here's a fun idea for an alphabet book you can make with your preschooler. Use a large sheet of construction paper for each letter. On your background page, glue a cut-out letter of a contrasting color. (Better yet, make both an upper case and a lower case letter for each page.) Then, decorate the letter/page with something that uses that letter's most common sound. Make a page for a different letter each day, until you've worked through the entire alphabet. Then, bind the pages together into a book.
Here are some ideas for "decorations" - hope this gets your creative juices flowing!
A: give your letter A an afro with some frizzy yarn; decorate with ant stickers
B: stick Band-Aids all over the page; decorate with small buttons or beads
C: glue candy wrappers on your letter C
D: coat your letter D with glue and a layer of dirt
You're getting the idea, right? The weirder or funnier your decorating/illustrations, the more your preschooler will enjoy this project! Here are a few more ideas to close with....
G: glue pieces of stick gum on the page
K: using a bright color of lipstick, let your child make "lips" all over the page
P: recruit a pet to help you make paw prints
R: spread a thin layer of glue on your letter R, then sprinkle with rice
U: cut out the waistband of a pair of your preschooler's outgrown underwear to make a U
Z: attach a zipper to your letter Z
Want to share additional ideas for decorating letters? Post a comment!
blues in july
8 months ago
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