Helen finished the last lesson in her Algebra I textbook yesterday. Today, she takes her last unit test; tomorrow, her final exam. And then, we will put the math book on the shelf for good.
Last night, the Trins printed out rough drafts for English 112. Today, they'll review those in class. Then, revisions. And finally, the end of this week, the very last papers of the semester will be turned in to their professor.
I absolutely LOVE the feeling that comes with completing a textbook. The last page is turned, the final assignment completed. It always amazes me to discover that - Wow! - yes, we really did it! We finished the coursework for Algebra I, or Physical Science, or whatever!
These next several weeks are going to be incredibly busy at the Kendall house as we shift gears from school work and grade reports, to graduations and senior recitals and missions opportunities and summer jobs and projects around the house. When I look at the calendar for April and May, I have to start doing Lamaze breathing. Stay calm. We can do this.
Yes, we can!
I love this season of the year.
As we shift gears from the school year to summer, my mind is whirring with thoughts of what to do in the "down time" - not that life will be any less busy, just busy with different things! Me, I hope to do a LOT of writing, and to work in the garden and the yard, and to clean out my bedroom closet. (Hahahaha! Just kidding on that last one - life is short, and time is precious.) Go through textbooks and plan out coursework for the fall. Visit friends I haven't seen in way too long. Go to a movie with Helen. Write lots of letters to Martha and Tom. Find the shortest driving route to Montgomery. Read more Chesteron.
What about you, Dear Reader? It will be here in a heartbeat - do you have any plans for summer?
blues in july
8 months ago
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