Saturday, February 13, 2016


When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. - Exodus 34:29

I received a Facebook invitation this past week to an event in Dyersburg. When I clicked over to learn details of the event, I was excited to see that Lisa Smartt will be the guest speaker. Whether I can be there or not, I know that everyone who can attend will be blessed!

I got to thinking: What is it about Lisa that makes her special? Why do I light up when I think about other people getting to meet her and hear her speak?

Answer:  Lisa Smartt radiates the Gospel.

No, she doesn't go around quoting Bible verses all the time. She doesn't drop trendy motivational catch phrases or lines from this week's #1 Contemporary Christian Pop Single. Rather - and I know this is going to sound weird - Lisa radiates the Gospel from her face, sort of like Moses reflecting the shekinah glory of God when he came down off Mt. Sinai. With a simple smile, Lisa communicates the love, compassion, and mercy that is ours in Christ.

I was thinking this week about how grateful I am for Lisa, and for God's allowing our paths to cross, and for the blessing she has been in my own life. And then I thought: what an extraordinary testimony to God's goodness, that thinking of Lisa immediately brings to mind the beauty of Christ and his love demonstrated toward us in the Gospel.

When I think of Lisa, I cannot not think of the Gospel.

 I want to be that kind of person, that kind of blessing to others. But how?

Then, while I was mulling all this over, I read the above passage in Exodus (I love how God has me read a particular passage of Scripture on a particular morning!):  "...Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God."

Do I want to radiate God's glory and goodness to the people around me? Do I truly want to bless and encourage others? Then let me begin by spending time in the presence of God.

Thank you, Lisa, for showing me the beauty of Christ. Thank you for coming "down from the mountain" and encouraging me - with a smile or a kind word - to know him better, to love him more, and to share his loveliness with others.