Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Because Helen had an alternate ride to piano camp this morning, I was able to exercise with the awesome ladies at ADBC Fitness Studio in Troy this morning.

Mr. Easterwood was mowing the hay field around the house when I headed out to Martin to retrieve my young piano virtuoso - smells yummy, and makes the field look so tidy and well-groomed.

My new glasses came in - still adjusting to a new prescription, but, man, these are cool-looking frames!

Now, I'm sitting at The Looking Glass coffee shop in Martin, Tennessee, halfway through a super-productive week of writing. (I love piano camp!)

Two articles written and submitted for the Homeschool View column. Coffee and cannoli.

Book #2 - Bethel Road - has finished going through the editing/revision process, and it should be available in both print and Kindle formats next week. Finally! If anything, I've enjoyed writing this book even better than writing the first - and I really like the story.

Worship this evening with my family at Grace Presbyterian Church.

It's been a good day today!

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