My yesterday looked like this: School and babysitting little MaryAnna in the morning; two girls to Union City for piano in the early afternoon, plus a quick run to Wal-Mart and the bank while I had wheels; hurry home so Martha could teach a piano lesson, and I'm checking math tests and Chemistry homework in the background; a quick stop next door to see Grammy, then off for my walk on the farm; back home, time to cook dinner; mix a batch of snack mix (yum!) and then clean up the kitchen; kids tagged for daily chores; review two upcoming articles for the Soli Deo Gloria column and get them out to our writers' group; read through lesson for this Saturday's women's brunch again and begin reviewing material for next month's brunch....Time for a late-night pot of coffee!
You don't even want to know what my tomorrow looks like. Let's just say, for starters, I have three places to be at 10:00 tomorrow morning and am wondering how Hermione Granger pulled off being in multiple Hogwart's classes at the same time!
For someone who tries very hard to keep life slow and simple, I find that things have been a little crazy around here lately....and it looks like it will only get busier as we move into November and December. Seems crazy is the new normal.
I'm so glad I still remember my Lamaze breathing techniques. If you see me out racing around anytime soon, I'll probably be taking slow, focused, deep breathes...and maybe counting.
blues in july
8 months ago
NOOO! Apostrophe fail! D:
Maybe I need to get a little better acquainted with Harry Potter?
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